Western Gem Electrical Technology Co., Ltd.


DZF Low-voltage Cable Distribution Box

Category:Low-voltage Switchgear Series

Company brand:Western Gem Electrical


Address:No. 85, Mingshan East Road, Mingshan Industrial Zone, Beibaixiang Town, Yueqing City, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province


With the development of the cabling process of distribution network, when the independent load distribution with small capacity is relatively concentrated, the cable branch box can be used for the connection of multiple branches of cables, because the branch box can not directly operate on each path, only used as a cable branch. The main function of the cable branch box is to tap or transfer the cables.


With the development of the cabling process of distribution network, when the independent load distribution with small capacity is relatively concentrated, the cable branch box can be used for the connection of multiple branches of cables, because the branch box can not directly operate on each path, only used as a cable branch. The main function of the cable branch box is to tap or transfer the cables.

1) Cable tapping function. Multiple small-area cables on a long distance line often lead to waste of cable use. Therefore, large trunk cables are often used for outgoing from the outgoing line to the power load, and then when approaching the load, the trunk cables are divided into several small-area cables using the cable branch box, and the small-area cables are connected to the load.

This connection mode is widely used for power supply of street lamps and small users in urban power grid.

2) Cable transfer function. On a relatively long line, if the length of the cable cannot meet the requirements of the line, then the cable connector or cable transfer box must be used. Generally, the cable intermediate joint is used for short distance, but when the line is relatively long, according to experience, on a cable line with more than 1000m, if there are multiple intermediate joints in the middle of the cable, in order to ensure safety, the cable branch box will be considered for transfer.

Cable branch boxes are widely used outdoors. With the progress of technology, the number of cable branch boxes with switches is also increasing, while urban cables often use double-circuit power supply mode, so some people directly call the branch boxes with switches outdoor ring-network cabinets. However, most of these ring-network cabinets can not achieve distribution automation at present, but the manufacturers have launched outdoor ring-network cabinets that can achieve distribution automation, This also blurs the boundary between cable branch box and ring network cabinet.


Normal use environment

1. Altitude ≤ 3000m; (If there are special requirements, please indicate them when ordering)

2. Ambient temperature:+55 ℃ ~- 45 ℃ ;

3. The average daily relative humidity shall not exceed 95%; The average monthly relative humidity shall not exceed 90%;

4. Seismic resistance: 8 degrees;

5. Places without severe vibration and impact, as well as fire, chemical corrosion and explosion hazards.
