Western Gem Electrical Technology Co., Ltd.


GGJ Low-voltage Reactive Power Intelligent Compensation Device

Category:Low-voltage Switchgear Series

Company brand:Western Gem Electrical


Address:No. 85, Mingshan East Road, Mingshan Industrial Zone, Beibaixiang Town, Yueqing City, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province


GGJ low-voltage reactive power compensation device adopts computer-aided design (CAD), introduces microcomputer control, and implements intelligent tracking compensation for reactive power quantity. With its reasonable structure and leading technology, it is widely used in low-voltage power grid to improve power factor, reduce reactive power loss, improve power supply quality, and is a new power-saving product. It is specially designed for the reactive power compensation of 130-600KVA three-phase transformers.


GGJ low-voltage reactive power compensation device adopts computer-aided design (CAD), introduces microcomputer control, and implements intelligent tracking compensation for reactive power quantity. With its reasonable structure and leading technology, it is widely used in low-voltage power grid to improve power factor, reduce reactive power loss, improve power supply quality, and is a new power-saving product. It is specially designed for the reactive power compensation of 130-600KVA three-phase transformers.

Working conditions

◆ Installation environment: no harmful gases and steam, no conductive or explosive dust and serious mold.

◆ Rated voltage: 0.38-0.66kV;

◆ Rated frequency: 50Hz;

◆ Rated capacity: 1-600kvar;

◆ Applicable voltage range: (0.85-1.1) times the rated voltage;

◆ Maximum allowable current: 1.3 times the rated current;

◆ Control circuit: 1-16 loop;

◆ Switching time: 1-150S /times, adjustable;

◆ Work: automatic, continuous operation.


Main feature

◆ Intelligent controller control, full-featured,Reliable performance, automatic compensation; can increase the power factor to 0.9 or more;

◆ Real-time display power grid power factor, display range: lag (0.00-0.99), ahead (0.00-0.99);

◆ With over-voltage, harmonic, over compensation, system failure, lack of phase, overload and other comprehensive protection;

◆ Memory has been set parameters, the system will not lose the parameters after power failure, the grid back to normal,

automatically enter the running state, no personnel on duty;

◆ According to the grid load balance, to take the phase compensation or mixed compensation;

◆ Anti-interference ability, can withstand the direct input from the grid amplitude of 2000V interference pulse, higher than the

national professional standards.

