Western Gem Electrical Technology Co., Ltd.


DFW-12 Outdoor High-voltage Opening and Closing Station

Category:Power Distribution Equipment

Company brand:Western Gem Electrical


Address:No. 85, Mingshan East Road, Mingshan Industrial Zone, Beibaixiang Town, Yueqing City, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province


DFW-12 series outdoor high-voltage switchgear is an inflatable outdoor ring network cabinet developed and produced by the company using foreign technology and according to the characteristics of China's regional distribution networks and the actual situation of cable transformation of urban distribution networks.


DFW-12 series outdoor high-voltage switchgear is an inflatable outdoor ring network cabinet developed and produced by the company using foreign technology and according to the characteristics of China's regional distribution networks and the actual situation of cable transformation of urban distribution networks.

DFW-12 series outdoor high-voltage switchgear adopts SRM-12/24 series SF6 fully sealed and insulated ring network switchgear, which is modular, scalable, fully insulated, fully sealed, safe and reliable, maintenance-free, etc. It is suitable for any harsh environment and is widely used in industrial parks, residential areas, streets, airports, various buildings, busy commercial

centers and other places.

DFW-12 series outdoor high-voltage switchgear with standard voltage level 12kV and 24kV can extend the distribution network automation function and realize the intelligence of ring network cabinet, making the power grid stronger and wiser.


Normal use environment

◆ Ambient temperature: maximum temperature + 50℃ , minimum temperature - 40 ℃ , maximum daily average temperature no more than 35 ℃ ;

◆ Relative humidity: the daily av erage value shall not exceed 95%, and the monthly av erage value shall not exceed 90%;

◆ Wind speed: no mor e than 35m / S;

◆ Pollution level: Level III; Seismic intensity: 8 degrees;

◆ Ground inclination: no more than 3 de grees;

◆ Installation site: it is installed in a place without fire, explosion or violent vibration, good ventilation and corrosive gas. Special conditions

◆ When the equipment is installed at an altitude of more than 1000m, it needs to be specially noted, so that the company can adjust the SF6 pr essure during manufacturing.

◆ If special adv erse conditions are involved, please consult the company.

Product features

◆ High security

◇ All liv e parts are sealed in SF6 g as box to realize full sealing and full insula tion;

◇ Mechanical interlock meeting the fiv e prevention requirements to prevent misoperation;

◇ The incoming and outgoing cables are fully insulated, fully sealed and touchable to ensure personal safety to the greatest extent;

The box is equipped with air pressure monitoring device to realize the real-time monitoring of air pressure during the operation period;

◇ The explosion-proof pressure relief device is set under the back of the gas box, which has passed the internal combustion arc test of the authority .

◆ Flexible scheme

◇ Flexible incoming and out going lines, which c an realize left, right and do wn incoming (outgoing) lines;

The combination mode is fle xible, and all unit s can realize any combination and unlimit ed expansion; Adopt built-in bus e xpansion mode t o fully mee t the r equirements of usability, economy and aesthetics;

◇ The design scheme is fle xible and c an meet the r equirements of the user's sit e.
